Zaviar Brown
Software Engineer
Medical School hopeful turned Full-Stack Developer
Love going to Japan, planning on retiring there. Love to play games, Praise The Sun
Love playing music, need to bust out my saxophone more. Love to teach, love to learn, love to create. Love to interact with people, love being part of a team. Huge extrovert.
Speed typing website to help devs reach maximum coding speed
Talk about features more here once I add to the site.
Robinhood clone on a galactic scale
Live updating stock prices, historical data for each stock, transaction data, dynamically rendered data charts, as well as a fake stock market with prices that change in real time based on an algorithm I wrote.
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Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.
Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.
Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.
Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.
Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.
Feugiat accumsan lorem eu ac lorem amet accumsan donec. Blandit orci porttitor.
Ante metus praesent faucibus ante integer id accumsan eleifend